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Business - Changing Entity Type

7 months ago




This article provides instructions on how to change the entity type in an existing Crosslink Business return.


Follow the instructions below to change the entity type of an existing return in Crosslink Business:🖐Note: 


Entity type switching is available only for 1120, 1065, and 1120S returns. Each of these types may be switched to either of the other two options. Entity type switching is not available for 990 and 1041 returns.


1. Open the return for which the entity type should be changed.


5. Select OK. If a return of the EIN and desired entity type already exists, a confirmation screen will appear with the option to either overwrite the existing one or stop the process.




Selecting Yes on the screen will replace the indicated return and cannot be undone.

6. If no return already exists with the combination of EIN and desired entity type, confirmation of the successful entity switch will appear. Select OK to complete the process.


7. If the box to Delete current return was checked on the initial Change Entity Type screen, a prompt will appear to confirm or cancel the requested deletion. Select Yes to delete the existing return and close out the Return Lookup screen, or select No or Cancel to stop the return from being deleted.





The IRS does not allow electronic filing of Form 1120-H.




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