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When using RemoteSign there are several steps that if missed will cause errors with RemoteSign. Use the following troubleshooting items if you are having RemoteSign issues. |
Billing Option Error
Taxpayer(s) Cell Phone/Email/Carrier Missing Error
The Taxpayer(s) Did Not Consent to Receive Signatures Remotely Error
ERO Signature is Not Available
Paid Preparer Signature is Not Available
I Have Selected RemoteSign but The Software Is Still Prompting For A Signature For Pad/Onscreen
Central Site Communication Failed Error
Billing Option Error
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Problem: This return was created before the latest updates.
Solution: Transmit to Central Site, apply all updates, reload the billing (CTRL+U or select the Return Drop Down and reload billing).
Taxpayer(s) Cell Phone/Email/Carrier Missing Error
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Problem: Either all or some of the following information is missing from the Client Data Page: taxpayer/spouse phone number, cell phone carrier, or email.
Solution: Navigate to the Client Data Page and enter the taxpayer/spouses cell phone number, carrier, and email if applicable.
The Taxpayer(s) Did Not Consent to Receive Signatures Remotely Error
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Problem: You enter an N in the consent for remote documentation box.
Solution: Navigate to the Client Data Page and select Y, taxpayer consents to sign documents remotely.
ERO Signature is Not Available
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Problem: The ERO signature is not saved in the Database.
Solution: Have the manager complete and save the ERO signature.
Paid Preparer Signature is Not Available
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Problem: The paid preparer signature is not saved in the Database.
Solution: Have the paid preparer complete and save the paid preparer signature.
I Have Selected RemoteSign but The Software Is Still Prompting For A Signature For Pad/Onscreen
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Problem: You selected something from the In-Office Signature Options.
Solution: Close the dialog box. Select RemoteSign, do not make any selections on the screen asking about in office signatures. This screen is for in office capture, you may want to capture either the taxpayers or spouse signature in the office, but still send a text to the other party.
Central Site Communication Failed Error
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Problem: You closed the Print Final Return box prior to the message sending.
Solution: Complete the process again and wait for the message that confirms that the request was sent successfully. Depending on your internet this can take several minutes.