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This article demonstrates how to successfully upload a binary attachment to a tax return.


  1. Ensure the file you wish to attach is saved on your machine in a location that the software can access (C:, X:, etc.). Be sure to save the file under a name that makes it easy to identify.

  2. Navigate to the bottom of the form that needs the binary attachment.

  3. Select the Attachment Link.

    Image RemovedImage RemovedImage AddedImage Added

  4. The attachment window will open. Select Import Document

    Image RemovedImage Added

  5. Select "..." next to the file name.

  6. Locate the file you wish to import. Highlight the file. Select OK.

  7. Ensure the file you wish to attach is now populated in the File Name box.

  8. In the Description box, enter an appropriate description.

  9. In the Type drop-down select the appropriate label.

  10. Highlight the item you need to binary attach in blue.


  11. Select OK. It may take a few seconds for the attachment to load.

  12. Once the binary attachment is complete, it will be displayed on the Attached Forms Tree.

  13. Open the binary attachment and ensure the correct document has been attached.