Indicate the taxpayer or someone claimed on the return had Marketplace Insurance by placing an “X” in the “Marketplace" Health Insurance section of the Client Data Page.
CrossLink OnlineRefresh. TheACA Prem TC- Premium Tax Cr Worksheet should now be on the return. Navigate to the ACA Prem TC- Premium Tax Cr Worksheet.
Place an “X” in the applicable box or boxes in Part 1, line 1. You must have at least one entry here, but could have multiple if sharing a policy with another tax family.
CrossLink Online
Enter the Marketplace assigned policy number.
CrossLink OnlinePlace an “X” in Part 2, line 3 and enter monthly premium amounts in columns A, B, and C EXACTLY as they appear on the 1095-A statement. If column B is missing, use the link to the IRS tool in the program to calculate column b.
CrossLink Online
IF the taxpayer has multiple policies, access the multiple policies worksheet and repeat steps 4 and 5 until all 1095-A information has been entered.
CrossLink OnlineComplete Part 3 if there are dependent(s) on the return that are filing their own return.
Complete Part 4 if the taxpayer is sharing the Marketplace policy with another tax family. See Shared Policy Allocation 1095-A.
Complete Part 5 if the taxpayers got married in the tax year and they meet the criteria for the Alternative Marriage Calculation (listed in Part 5 of the ACA Questionnaire).