Rule Number: IND-901
Rule Text: The Primary SSN in the Return Header has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual.
To correct the error, reference the DataValue (this indicates what person or number the rejection is related to). For more information, regarding how to view the details and data values related to rejections and refusals reference Viewing Reject and Refusals.
Possible Cause 1: The taxpayer's information is entered incorrectly and the IRS system thinks it is a different person (double-check the SSN, name, and birthday).
Resolution: Correct the information that is entered incorrectly, resign, and resubmit the return.
Possible Cause 2: The Social Security Administration has flagged the taxpayer as deceased.
Resolution: Collect the prep fees up front and paper file the return.
If the taxpayer is not deceased, they need to contact the Social Security Administration so this does not happen again.