Web Portal - Creating a Billing Schedule on CrossLink 1040
This article demonstrates how to create a billing schedule from the Web Portal.
Follow the instructions below to successfully create a billing schedule:
Method 1
Log in to the Web Portal using the main Account Code, a multi-tier User ID, or an Admin account.
From the top menu, select Office Management > Manage EROs/Office Setup.
Select the Pencil Icon next to the Office/User ID for which you wish to create the schedule.
In the left-hand menu, click the Edit button next to Billing/Fee Information.
Click the Create New Schedule button.
In the Schedule Name field, type a name for the billing schedule.
Click Add. The Fee Setup screen will open.
Click Edit Fees next to the newly created fee schedule. The Fees Setup screen will display.
In the Pick State drop-down list, choose the applicable form type.
In the Forms drop-down list, choose the type of item to be configured.
To set a price for each item, enter the following next to the item:
Base Qty - The initial number of items for which to charge the base price.
Base Price - The price to charge for the initial number of items.
Per Item - The price to charge for each item after the initial number of items.
When all fees have been configured, click Save and Exit to save the changes and close the screen, or click Cancel to cancel saving.
Method 2
Log in to the Web Portal using a multi-tier User ID or Admin account.
From the top menu, select Office Management->Global Settings.
Next to Manage Billing Schemes, click View.
Click Create a new billing scheme.
Follow steps 5-12 above.
The billing schedule will be available after it is published and picked up on the next transmission.