Backup and Restore all Program Data
This article provides information on how to back up and restore all data in the program.
The simplest method to transfer all data to a different computer is to copy the entire program folder from one computer to another.
Important: This method should not be used if tax returns exist on the computer to which the data is to be transferred.
Copy the original install:
Insert a removable media into the computer – (i.e. a flash drive, thumb drive, etc). Make a note of the drive letter assigned to it by Windows.
Browse to the drive where the program has been installed (the program installs by default to "C:/xlinkYY", where YY are the last two digits of the program year).
Right-click the XlinkYY folder (where YY is the last two digits of the year to be copied) and select Copy.
Browse to the drive letter assigned to the removable media (noted above).
Press Ctrl-V on the keyboard to copy the data to the removable media. A progress bar will appear and indicate when the copying is complete.
Safely remove the media, following instructions and precautions included with the device.
If a copy of the program exists on the target machine, please refer to "How to merge two installations of the program".
Restore the copied data on the target machine:
Insert the removable media into the target machine.
Browse to the location on the media where the XLinkYY folder was copied.
Right-click the XlinkYY folder and then select Copy.
Browse to the location where the install is to be copied (the root of the C: drive is recommend).
Press Ctrl-V on the keyboard to copy the data to the new location. A progress bar will appear and indicate when the copying is complete.
Create a desktop shortcut for the program on the target machine:
Open the folder copied in the last step of the prior section.
Locate the file "xlink32.exe" in this folder.
Right-click this file and select Send to->Desktop (create shortcut). A shortcut will be created on the Desktop.
Browse to the desktop and locate the icon named "Shortcut to xlink32.exe". Right-click on this icon, and select Rename.
Type in the desired name for the shortcut.
Press enter to save the name of the shortcut.
The program will now launch from the shortcut on the target machine normally.
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