CLO - Running a Custom Report
Custom Reports allow you to select the information from each tax return to be displayed and then separately select the search criteria to be used, along with the parameters of the search criteria.
You can run custom reports that you have already created without having to re-enter the display fields and search parameters.
Follow the instructions below to successfully run a Custom Report:
1. Click the dropdown next to Reporting.
2. Click Custom Reports.
3. Click Run Report by the name of the Custom Report you would like to run.
4. The report will then be generated. Once the report has run, you will have three (3) options at the top of the report:
Save as Template: Clicking this will prompt you to enter a name for the new report, which will appear in Custom Reports.
Export as CSV: Clicking this will save the report as a CSV file in your Downloads folder. The file is automatically named folder as “[Title of the report]_Report.csv”. For example, the “Rejected Returns” Quick Report would be saved as “Rejected_Returns_Report.csv” in the Downloads folder.
Close: Clicking this will close the Report and take you back to Custom Reports.
5. Clicking on any of the records in the report will open the associated return and close the report.
Back on the Custom Reports page, the Run Last Report button re-runs the most recently run report of the session.