1040 - Printing Checks
Follow the instructions below to successfully print checks from CrossLink 1040:
1. Log in to CrossLink 1040.
2. Click Checks, Registers, and Activations from the WIP.
3. Verify check stock range by clicking the Check Inventory tab.
4. Activate Check Range if needed (View 1040 - Activate Checks for assistance with activating checks).
5. Print a Test Check to make sure the check alignment is correct (Skip to step 9 if test check has already been completed).
6. Click the Checks to Print tab.
7. Click Test Check.
8. Verify that the correct printer is chosen & click Print.
9. On the Checks to Print tab. Select your RAC Bank from the drop-down options and all pending checks will be displayed.
10. Select the check(s) you wish to print.
You can select all checks that are displayed by clicking the Select All option.
11. Click Print Checks.
12. Verify that the correct printer is chosen and click Print.