Rule Number: R0000-194
Rule Number: R0000-194
Rule Text: Submission must not be a duplicate of a previously accepted submission.
In order to correct the error, reference the DataValue (this indicates what person or number the rejection is related to).
Possible Causes:
The taxpayer's information is entered incorrectly and the IRS system thinks it is a different person (double-check the SSN, name, and birthday).
The taxpayer has filed elsewhere.
The taxpayer received a quote somewhere else, and they filed the return without their consent.
The taxpayer has been a victim of identity theft.
The return has been Queued and Transmitted more than once.
Possible Resolutions:
If the taxpayer's information is entered incorrectly, correct the taxpayer's information and resubmit.
If the taxpayer has not filed anywhere else, and believes they are a victim of identity theft, paper file and complete Form 14039.
If you believe the return has been sent more than once, contact CrossLink to complete a Status Sync.
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