Rule Number: IND-941-01

Rule Number: IND-941-01

Rule Number: IND-941-01

Rule Text: The Spouse SSN in the return has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual.

In order to correct the error, reference the DataValue (this indicates what person or number the rejection is related to).

Possible Causes:

  • The spouse's information is entered incorrectly and the IRS system thinks it is a different person (double-check the SSN, name, and birthday).

  • For some reason the Social Security Administration has flagged the taxpayer as deceased.

  • The taxpayer is deceased and now someone is trying to file their previous year return.

Possible Resolutions:

  • Correct the information that is entered incorrectly, resign, and resubmit the return.

  • Have the taxpayer contact the Social Security Administration if they are still alive, and paper file their return.

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