Rule Number: R0000-503-02

Rule Number: R0000-503-02

Rule Number: R0000-503-02

Rule Text: Spouse SSN and Spouse Name Control in the return must match the e-File database.

In order to correct the error, reference the DataValue (this indicates what person or number the rejection is related to).

Possible Causes:

  • The incorrect SSN is entered.

  • The incorrect birthdate is entered.

  • A suffix such as JR, SR, III, etc. is missing from the return.

  • The individual has multiple names on their Social Security card(usually the database utilizes the first and third names only)

  • The individual has had a name change (marriage, divorce, etc.) and has not updated their Social Security card. Use the information on the Social Security card.

Possible Resolutions:

  • Correct the information that is entered incorrectly, resign, and resubmit the return.

  • If you are having issues getting the return accepted reference the last accepted IRS return.

  • If you are still unable to get the return accepted the return will have to be paper filed.

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