Rule Number: SEIC-F1040-535-03
Rule Number: SEIC-F1040-535-03
Rule Text: Each child in Schedule EIC (Form 1040) must be younger than the tax payer, if filing status of the return is Single or Head of household or Qualifying Surviving Spouse. If for any child in Schedule EIC (Form 1040), 'ChildPermanetlyDisabledIND' has a choice of Yes indicated, this rule does not apply for that child.
In order to correct the error, reference the DataValue (this indicates what person or number the rejection is related to).
Possible Causes:
Incorrect information is entered for the taxpayer.
Incorrect information is entered for the taxpayer.
Possible Resolutions:
Correct the information that is entered incorrectly, resign, and resubmit the return.
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